How we communicate with each other and our audience brings the mission of Neighborhood to life. By protecting these values, we are able to help people take their next step towards Jesus and each other. Abide in these Communication Values like your own little personal quality control department. 

All written, digital, and verbal communication at Neighborhood Church should reflect these values.


We use communication as tools and vehicles to help people navigate their faith story and take their next steps (not everything at once). We draw people into the content we have to offer allowing them to absorb and seek on their own terms, challenging them in appropriate ways to find and follow Jesus.

We are CLEAR

It’s not what we say, it’s what people hear. We remove distractions to simplify everything our audience sees or touches to help them effortlessly connect with Jesus and others.

We are WARM

We communicate in such a way that our audience sees the real us. We share stories that are real. We start conversations. We are authentic and caring through every communication piece.


We believe every detail matters, upfront and behind the scenes, because our audience matters. We think about the whole flow before, during, and after the experience. We advocate for our audience by crafting every touchpoint. 


Neighborhood is greater than the sum of its parts. We are one church with a common mission, not a collective of sub-ministries. We don’t strive to be fair or equal, but appropriate based on scope. “Equal time” is not valued or considered. We focus on the needs of our guests, not the needs of our ministries.